An Invitation To Prayer
Many years ago, I ran out of oomph. I realised I had lost my love for prayer, even though I knew it is an important part of a Christian’s spiritual journey with God. I couldn’t work out how or why, but I also knew prayer is work: prayer is intentional: prayer is very powerful. I came to understand I was not engaging in prayer because it was easier to fix the problem myself than to pray and wait for an answer.
From this place of despair, I found the Lord has an invitation from His heart to ours concerning prayer. There is something inside the human spirit that cries out and prays to a higher being, God. But there is something even more wonderful in this. God invites you to come to prayer with Him. Not to Him; nor for Him. With Him. It’s a personal invitation of love and commitment to His will. He wants you to discover that with Him.
What is Prayer?
If you ask several people, you will get all kinds of answers to this question. For now, prayer can be one or all of these…and more besides!
Prayer is simply talking with God. It can involve praise, adoration, thanksgiving, petition, repentance, and intercession.
Prayer is an invitation to commune with God.
Prayer aligns your heart, will and emotions with God’s heart.
Prayer is so important in the life of the Christian believer. This comes from a question many ask
“Why do we need to ask God to do anything when God has already determined He will do His will and purpose?”
Why Pray?
The answer is twofold. First, God is faithful to Himself and His word, and He never goes against His own word. God does not, will not, violate His own word and He will not interfere with who has the dominion on the earth unless asked. Secondly, the way God gets His will accomplished in the earth through mankind - which includes you. It’s important because He can’t get what He wants done without you praying! Christians are part of the Kingdom of Heaven and have access to come to God, snuggle down and pray.
How to Pray
The inevitable question is how to pray. Is there a particular way to do it? Any special mechanics of prayer? Do you have to sound like someone else? Do you pray prayers someone else wrote? Do you start randomly? Do you…
The truth is if you ask someone, “How do you pray?” you will get as many different answers as there are people you ask. Most people may tell you that they are not sure how to pray. They just pray. Some start saying words. Some may even say it doesn’t matter, “God hears you no matter what you say.”
The truthful answer is that we are all unique individuals, and what works for one person may not work for you. Prayer is you, as a Christian believer, talking to God. But, prayer is not just about talking to God. It’s also about being with the one true God. Whilst in awe of the God of Heaven, we can have an intimate relationship with Him through Jesus the Son through the power of the Holy Spirit. Start where you are. Snuggle up, whether in the heights or the valleys of life, or full of beans or out of oomph. Breathe in the delights of being invited to the throne of God, and allow Him to bring new life into a possible dead routine. Join Him in this personal, private place called prayer.
A couple of postscripts:
You may find our earlier article Prayer: A Conversation with God helpful
If you are struggling, like I was, please get in touch. Elim Oasis loves helping disciples grow deeper and stronger with our wonderful Saviour.
Shalom and grace
| All Things Made New - New Day | It is so easy to be discouraged when we continually mess up and fall short of God's perfection. But - just as the sun rises each morning - so does God's mercy. Each day we have new opportunities for grace.
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